Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Problem? Take a nap first ...

There is a moral to this story you know; this old bear made a wrong move on the bridge and found he was hanging by his nails. Somehow he was able to pull himself up onto the ledge where he saw he was in a very bad, impossible situation and what did he do? Yep, he took a nap and sure enough the situation took care of itself while he was asleep.

The moral is that when confronted with a bad situation sometimes the best solution is to sleep on it.

Think I'll take a little nap myself.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Photo Booth and Iza

Iza likes playing with Photo Booth software on Mac and mastered taking pictures of herself.
Here are the most artistic ones.

Iza lubi bawic sie PhotoBooth oprogramowaniem na moim Mac i oto jej najbardziej artystyczne zdjecia jakie sama sobie zrobila.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

iza and malina make balwany

Od Lewej: Iza, Tata, Malina
From Left: Iza, Shamick, Malina

(Mommy was left out since she did not want to participate ... she likes to "look" at the snow)